Fireclay & High Alumina Refractory Bricks

We make wide range of refractory fire bricks which are also known as Fire Clay Bricks. Our firebricks are used in various industries including steel plants, cement plants, sugar factories, petrochemical industry, commercial ovens, incinerators, and other allied industries.

Horizon Refractories® fire clay bricks are well known worldwide for consistently good quality and precise sizing. We make refractory firebricks by dry pressing method and electronically controlled tunnel kiln. Apart from standard sizes, we also make arch firebricks, wedge fire bricks, circle shape firebricks, curved firebricks, bullnose firebricks, bevel firebricks, refractory burner blocks, refractory tiles, perforated firebricks, and any other special shapes as per customer’s requirement. We have professional team for sorting and packing the refractory bricks even fire clay bricks so as to ensure zero damage during long sea transits across the world. We also offer private branding for some of the most reputed international refractory brands.

We can make all customized sizes and special shaped refractory bricks as per client’s requirements. We are sole suppliers to various refractory installers and refractory wholesalers across many countries. As we produce and supply refractory bricks in bulk quantities, we are able to offer most reasonable pricing to our customers worldwide.

refractory fireclay brick manufacturer

Alumina Bricks

High-alumina refractories are made from bauxite, a naturally occurring material containing aluminum hydroxide Al(OH)3 & kaolinitic clays. These raw materials are roasted to produce a mixture of synthetic alumina & mullite (an aluminosilicate mineral with the chemical formula 3Al2 O 3 - 2SiO2). By definition high-alumina refractories contain between 50% & 90% alumina. They are much more robust than fireclay refractories at high temperatures & in basic environments. In addition, they exhibit better volume stability & abrasion resistance. High-alumina bricks are used in blast furnaces,blast-furnace stoves, and liquid-iron ladles etc.


  • Excellent corrosion resistance to neutral and acidic slag and resistance to metal penetration at high liquid temperature.
  • Low Thermal Conductivity
  • Improved thermal shock and corrosion resistance at high temperature.
  • Low Thermal Expansion
Alumina Bricks

Technical Specifications:

Fireclay & High Alumina Bricks

Type A1203% Fe203% PCE OC AP % BD Gms/cc CCS kg/cm2 RUL(TA) 0c %PLC @ OC/hrs Max
HE30 30 2.50 29 26 1.90 250 1350 0.5% @ 1350/2 HRS
HE35 35 2.50 30 25 2.00 350 1350 0.75% @ 1350/2 HRS
HE40 40 2.30 31 23 2.05 400 1400 0.5% @ 1400/2 HRS
HE42 42 2.30 32 25 2.10 420 1420 0.5% @ 1420/2 HRS
HE45 45 2.30 32 23 2.20 450 1450 0.5% @ 1450/2 HRS
HE45-D 45 1.20 31 20 2.25 470 1500 0.3% @ 1450/2 HRS
HE50 50 2.75 33 22 2.30 470 1480 0.1% @ 1420/2 HRS
HE55 55 2.75 33 21 2.40 480 1490 1.25% @ 1430/2 HRS
HE60 60 2.70 33 20 2.50 500 1500 1.5% @ 1450/2 HRS
HE70 70 3.10 36 18 2.65 550 1500 1.5% @ 1500/2 HRS
HE80 80 3.40 37 18 2.75 700 1500 2.50% @ 1500/2 HRS
HE85 85 1.5 38 18 2.80 800 1550 1% @ 1500/2 HRS
HE90 90 0.8 38 18 3.0 1000 1550 0.2% @ 1550/2 HRS
HE95 95 0.3 38 18 3.10 1000 1750 0.2% @ 1600/2 HRS
HE99 99 0.2 38 18 3.15 1000 1650 0.2% @ 1600/2 HRS

Premium Firebricks for Critical Applications

Brand Name 62D 70D 70L 70LF 70_lP 70M
Raw Material Base calcined diaspore/ andalusite grains calcined bauxille low ferric calcined bausile low fenic calcined baudte low fenic calcined bauxite/ phosphate Fused Mullille Grains
Al203% Min. 62-64 68-70 68-70 70-71 70-71 70-72
Fe203% Max. 1.2 3.5 2.5 2 2 0.5
(1.5% PB)
Physical Properties
P.C.E.- Orton/Deg.C 36 36 36 36 36 37
App. Prorosity(%) Max 18 23 22 22 19 18
B.D. (gm/cc) Min 2.5 2.6 2.6 2.65 2.65 2.60
CCS (Kg/Cm2) 650 650 700 780 780 750
Thermal Properties
RUL (Ta) Deg.C. Min 1550 1460 1470 1470 1470 1600
PLC (%) alDeg.C/Hrs Max +/-0.5 at 1500 Deg. C/2Hrs +/-2.0 at 1450 Deg.C/2Hrs +/-1.0 at 1450 Deg.C/2Hrss +/-2.0 at 1500 Deg.C/2Hrs +/-2.0 at 1500 Deg.C/2Hrs +/-0.2 at 1600 Deg.C/2Hrs
  • Size Tolerance
  • +/-1.5% Or 2mm Whichever is greater
Brand Name 80D 80P 85D 85P PCPF90 ZIR ZM
Raw Material Base low ferric cal bouxto brown land alumino tarown funod omis phosphate honded low festic col boulto brown land lumin low fic cal b brown Rand ofumina phosphate bonded made fumlow c ement codobu Tamwm hobuur Fused airconium axide gradins Fused mulite & Fused amul grains
A1203% Min. A1203: 78-80% Al203: 78-80% Al203: 84-85% A1203: 84-85% A1203: 88-90% ZrO2: 64% A1203: 68% ZrO2: 20%
Fe203 % Max. 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5 1.5 0.5 0.5
(1.5% PB) (1.5% PB) 1.5
Physical Properties
P.C.E.-Orton/Deg.C 37 37 37 37 37 37 37
App. Prorosity(%) Max 19 18 19 18 NIL 18 18
B.D. (gm/cc) Min 2.75 2.75 2.8 2.8 3 3.33 3.1
CCS (Kg/Cm2) 820 820 850 850 1100 750 750
Thermal Properties
RUL (Ta) Deg.C. Min 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1600 1700
PLC (%) alDeg.C/Hrs Max +/-0.5 at 1500 Deg. C/2Hrs +/-2.0 al 1500 Deg.C/2Hrs +/-0.5at 1500 Deg.C/2Hrss +/-0.5al 1500 Deg.C/2Hrs +/-0.5 al 1500 Deg.C/2Hrs +/-0.5 at 1600 Deg.C/3Hrs +/-0.5 at 1700 Deg.C/3Hrs
  • Size Tolerance
  • +/-1.5% Or 2mm Whichever is greater

Special Shape Refractory Fire Bricks

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